Oct 2, 2011

Moved into the new house at the weekend.

Soon I will be breaking the trade descriptions rules as I won't strictly be a vicar, moving into my new post as advisor in local evangelism and residentiary canon of Newcastle Cathedral. Hey, buy you know what, I don't think I will be bothered about that as most people think anyone with a dog collar on is (either a dog) or a vicar - so that will do me and my blog name will stay the same until I think better of it. I am sitting at my desk at the minute wearing only my PJ bottoms which is not a good look for the new neighbours looking in who can only see me from the waist up. Maybe its time to look for the top before the neighbours get up.

anyway - here is the garden - a lovely site. PS I know its not the garden, but Roz's wedding, I could not find the picture I took of the garden on my new PC. Just like I can't find anything else in our new home!
Oh - I have now found the PJ top, just in case you were planning to pop around for an eyeful!

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