Jun 4, 2010

Politics on the Tyne

I was invited to the 176th Tyne Regaatta and saw the naming of a new boat. Top Notch Tina was presented and named. It was a little disturbing to see champaigne poured over the bow of the boat and fall onto the ground. I thought with a little advance planning I could have placed a dish under the boat and caught it. I was talking to the president of the rowing club and admiring their new club house on the other side of the river when I realised I was not saying the right thing. Oh!, they are nothing to do with us, he said. They are a breakaway group.

I had clearly put my foot in it, but I must say it gave the rowing, (Both clubs competing) a real edge I had never seen before. Both sides rowed very well. (Diplomacy kicking in now) and we had a lovely afternoon. The Mayor came and trophies were presented. I checked my parish boundaries when I got home and confirmed to myself that Newburn does go over the bridge and include the new, (Breakaway) rowing club on the South Bank.

It's only a few days ago we had the BBC filming on the river and on the church tower making a series of documentaries on The Battle of Newburn. Lets hope 400 years on we can enjoy peace on the river and let differences sail by.

BBC filming the battlefield from the vantage point held by the Scots.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the mention. You should have said about the 'champagne'. It was (no surprise) something rather cheaper and half of it ended up at our house afterwards - not vintage but quite drinkable, if a bit flat.

Colin Percy, Secretary, Tyne Rowing Club

See us at www.tynerowingclub.org