May 24, 2009

Howay the lads!

I sometimes wonder if we will ever see St Michael's restoration finished following the fire which happened over 3 years ago. We are in the process of arranging for further works to be carried out on the tower as the main arch is spreading at what has been described as an alarming rate. We are in the process of seeking what we are calling our final faculty for all the work needed to finish the restoration including additional strengthening. I will welcome the day when I am told, "it's all done". This process has dominated my thoughts over the past three years as everywhere I go I am asked about the building and how it is going. Looking at the photographs is a good reminder of how far we have come since March 2006, something I need to do on a regular basis, just to retain some sanity. I suppose I am writing this because I have been going through the faculty application process with St Michael's wardens, so it has reignited my thoughts. On a strange note, I dreamt last night that Newcastle beat Aston Villa by 7-o in their fight to remain in the championship. Let's hope I am as good on dreams as I am with perseverance. Today is the day - howay the lads!

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