Mar 24, 2010

St Mary's new look

Earlier this month St Mary's reopened following refurbishment. The old heating system has

been replaced by a modern warm set up which makes a great difference to the feel. All the pews have been removed and lovely comfortable seats put in. The whole church is now fully carpeted in high quality carpet. The place is really looking good.

We are hoping to use the now flexible and attractive building for community outreach.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Your church really looked more beautiful now than before. Truly, putting carpet on floors can really make a big difference in improving the look of a certain room. Our church has also carpeted floors and to keep it well-maintained, we always brought it to some shops who does carpet cleaning (Harrisburg area). Carpet cleaning (Harrisburg, PA area) has great and unique carpet cleaning services and it will make your rugs more beautiful than ever.